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- Vol LXXI No. 13 Thursday, March 30, 1939 - Front Page 4th column - top
The funeral of Mrs. Olive Buchanan Matthews was held from Union Chapel, Hillsboro Lower Village Sunday afternoon, with Rev. Edwin Young, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal Church officiating clergyman. Mrs. Lora Brake and Miss Madeline Gilmore sang, “O Love That Will Not Let Me Go” and “Safe in the Arms of Jesus,” accompanied by Mrs. Cyrus Phelps, organist.
The Fortnightly Club, of which she was a past president, and the Ladies’ Aid society where she had served as secretary for several years, attended in a body.
Mrs. Matthews was a direct descendant of Samuel Dinsmore, a prominent citizen of Antrim of Revolutionary fame, and kept alive many of the old traditions of the pioneers and was also actively interested in the annual school reunion of Antrim where she was a one time resident. During the twenty-seven years she dwelt in the brick house at the intersection of the highways in the Lower Village, her strength and infuence were expended in the effort to help others and promote any worthy cause.
Among those present from out of town were: Mr. and Mrs. John Dodge, Mr. and Mrs. Warren Dodge, and daughters Althea and Mildred, Haverhill; William Buchanan, Boston; Mr. and Mrs. Frank White, Watertown, Mass., Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Thompson, Kittery, Mr. and Mrs. Merton Matthews, South Eliot, Me., Mr. and Mrs. Ansel Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Buchanan, Walter Buchanan, Winchester; Mrs. Ellis Wyman, East Swanzey; John C and Clarence White, Concord; Mr. and Mrs. David Ames, Mrs. and Mrs. charles Matthews, John Matthews, Rochester; Mr. an dMrs. Murry Perham, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Matthews, Keene, Mrs. Earl Matthews, Troy; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simonds, East Weare; Minnie Gove and son, Hopkinton; Mrs. Rena Farrar, Mrs. Sadie Hoffman, Henniker; Mr. and Mrs. George HAstings and Miss Julia Hastings, Antrim.
Bearers were two sons, Elton and Merton and two grandsons, Donald and Elton L. Burial was in the family lot in Mable Avenue cemetery under the supervision of Fred Nelson, funeral director, of Wilton.